
Information Accuracy:

We try our best to make information on the website tourlively.com updated. However, due to the ever-changing nature of travel, we cannot guarantee that all information is current or complete. However, because travel is dynamic and continues to evolve, we cannot warranty that all information is up to date. We gather information from sources we believe to be reliable.

Linked Websites:

Tour Lively may provide links on other websites The owner of this website shall not be held responsible for activities undertaken on the linked sites. The contents, accuracy or reliability of those linked sites are not guaranteed by us. We are not at all responsible for any expenses or harms that might result from the utilization of such linked websites.


We provide information about the services, the comparison between hotels among other travel facilities. These listings are given for your use and may connect to other merchants in some case. It’s important to note that our site does not sell any products or services. We only share information and links to relevant resources.

Third-Party Responsibility:

Services mentioned on tourlively.com, such as flights and hotels, are offered by third-party providers. Tour Lively disclaims any responsibility for, or liability related to, these services. If you have any concerns, questions, complaints, or claims regarding a service, please contact the respective provider directly.

User Responsibility:

Users of tourlively.com are responsible for verifying any information before relying on it. The information contained in this website is for informational purposes only and readers should exercise their own judgment when planning for travels or relying on information discovered on this website while making purchase of services.